Bridge Runners, NYC

Spotlight: Bridge Runners, NYC

As part of this years mental health campaign, we shall be featuring some of the crews from around the globe, asking them some questions about their community and how they will be supporting the Equality for Mental Health Campaign this October.

We are kicking off with the first introduction to the Bridge Runners community, based in New York City - questions answered by their founder, Mike Saes!

1. What do Bridge Runners represent in today’s society?

A healthy'ish community that pushes runners to be more than runners.

2. What does the word community mean to you?

All Crews One Crew.

3. What achievement are you most proud of as a community?

Leading consistently.

4. What is the biggest social barrier facing your members?

Communication, travel visas.

5. What will you be doing as a community to support the Equality for Mental Health initiative in October?

Communicating. Providing tools to get your mind right.

More from Mike:

We started in 2003 to inspire non-running runners to use the bridges to get healthier. In 2012 we went global as we Bridged The Gap in Berlin with under a dozen crews. In 2023 we will complete our 2nd decade of creating the best ways to Bridge Runners.

We hope to see you at #BTGNYC


If you would like your community featured in the lead up to World World Mental Health Day, hit us up at


🔦 PRJCTRUN, São Paulo, Brazil


World Mental Health Day 2022