Managing Stress and Building Resilience

Monday 18th March, 7pm - RSVP

Come and join award-winning wellbeing consultant, mindset and run coach, Sha Hussain for a wellbeing check-in and themed session around Managing Stress and Building Resilience.

In this workshop, Sha will explain the difference between stress and anxiety, touch on the subtle signs of stress, which can escape our notice but are important for us to recognise. You will be asked to take part in an exercise "The Stress Container" to help you understand how you currently deal with stress and how you can manage it better. Sha will then share his top 10 coping strategies on how to manage stress, and build resilience touching on some of the most important ones in greater detail, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Resilience, Meditation, Talking, and Gratitude.

Mindset and Run Coach

Sha Hussain

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