Community Touch Point 🤜🏽🤛🏼

On Sunday the Be More You team met up for our third Mental Wellbeing Check-In and 5km Run of 2022 at the White Post Cafe in Hackney Wick. 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻

After our run around the Olympic Park we made our way to the Pavillion Cafe in Victoria Park and created a community touch point for runners to come and say hi, learn about the check-in events we host every Monday on Zoom - as well as our monthly in-person events. We spoke to dozens of runners and it was a fantastic experience for myself and fellow members Alex, Jenny and Fotini to talk to others about our community.

It was amazing how receptive people were to the notion of joining a community focused on running and mental health, before the pandemic we noted that people were not as open to the idea of talking about the topic in public or entertaining the idea of joining as they were today. There has definitely been a shift in people's mindsets about mental wellbeing over the past two years and the stigma has reduced somewhat in my opinion.

Our next in person event is on Saturday 30th April from 10.30am, click link here to join our community on the Heylo App - once you register you can converse with us through the chat function and we can update you on all of our future events through this app.

Who Are We?

Be More You are a collective of runners who are passionate about community and mental health. Our mission is to support runners and communities worldwide with positive mental health and guidance. We do this through a series of online and offline events, talks, webinars and by creating safe spaces for runners to come and be their authentic selves, without fear of judgement or criticism. A space where runners can come to listen, be heard or just be present to the moment, while learning new skills to improve their mental wellbeing and outlook on life.

We host weekly Zoom webinars for runners to come and be their authentic selves and connect with our community from across the globe as well as monthly in-person check-ins and 5km runs.

All runners are welcome to join our community!

Written by Sha Hussain


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