Let Nothing Weigh You Down

Last Saturday, we were invited to deliver a workshop in Berlin as part of a mental health project by founder of the Berlin Braves ‘Joey Elgersma’ and Oakley. 🧠

The Berlin Braves are a multi-cultural running community celebrating their 10 year anniversary this year, and as part of the celebrations they organised a field trip for their members and some special guests, including a couple of athletes from the German Olympic team. 🏳️‍🌈

The theme of the day was to let go of anything that may be weighing you down in the context of normalising the conversation around mental health. 📝

We kicked off the day in the beautiful sunshine at Berlin Braves HQ, Kreuzberg with a meet and greet over a healthy breakfast, followed by yoga in the park and a run to spa for some much needed R&R. 🧘🏽

After the spa we boarded a coach which took us to the outskirts of Berlin, where we stepped onto a boat and enjoyed a vegan Barbeque in the scorching sunshine at this point (some 37 degrees).

With everyone fed and watered, this was our founders ‘Sha Hussain’ cue to deliver a specially curated workshop to help strengthen the bond between the group, giving them a stronger sense of belonging and community. 🚤

We started off with a mindful moment, Sha then split the group of 30 up into smaller groups of 3 - he created a safe space and gave everyone the opportunity to check-in with one another to share how they were really doing - the group then spoke about the experience of opening up with the larger group, and Sha shared the story of his personal mental health lived experience. 🙏🏾

As humans we want three things, to be seen, appreciated and understood - by creating a safe environment for people to be themselves, without fear of judgement or criticism, we create fertile ground for flourishing of the individual and the group as a whole. 🥰

As humans we want three things, to be seen, appreciated and understood - by creating a safe environment for people to be themselves, without fear of judgement or criticism, we create fertile ground for flourishing of the individual and the group as a whole. 🥰

We also covered the benefits of a daily gratitude practice and a group exercise on community "what is it, the benefits of joining one, and what it should be!" 🤩

Images by Nailya Bikmurzina

Words by Sha Hussain

#berlinbraves #oakley #bemoreyou #letnothingweighyoudown


Love Trails Festival


Global Running Day