Gang Running Club

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Gang Running Club

Earlier in the week we introduced Running Late Club from Cape Town, South Africa as one of the latest crews to join our DIY Culture Challenge to makr World Mental Health Day. And for our second crew feature we switch continents to South America:

The Gang Running Club is based in Mexico City, located in the Valley of Mexico, sometimes called the Basin of Mexico. We are pumped to have them on board and look forward to learning more about them and the challenge they are looking to take on.

Who are we?

The gang as the name speaks, was born as a petit group of friends, family and whoever wanted to run as a crew. The aim was to make exercise feel good and to encourage each other through the process of training and achieving goals with our own body; loving and identifying each difference of the gang members, translates into a running club of people with a variety of lifestyles and occupations, clicking into place like a jigsaw puzzle, seeking to explore and push themselves through running.

Why The Gang?

Because we are a band working together to improve our health and fitness, enjoying the journey in our own way, discovering our potential and setting new goals as individuals and as a Gang.

We run together at least twice a week, once for functional and speed training and the other for distance and new spot achieving. Yet on the other days that members train individually, we like to share images on our social media our training spot and new personal records.

Our Mission

We have a deep inclusive feeling that we try to send as a message for any person who would like to know running from an easy, enjoyable, challenging and relaxed perspective. We like to set personalized physical and mental objectives for every member, so that running isn’t something you have to do at a specific pace or distance for categorizing it as “good or enough”, what counts in the end is feeling free and strong enough so that you end up finding yourself out of your comfort zone or self expectations, knowing your worth through your own resources but celebrating it as a gang.

We expect to vibe the ups and downs of running, and how imperfect but united people achieve awesome things.

Core Values

- Freedom to find your own pace

- Body conscience for introspection

- Respect and unification through the differences between each member

- Connection body+mind+community

DIY Culture Challenge


We think The Gang Run Club are awesome and are grateful for their participation in this years event! 


Turbo Runners


The Running Late Club 🏃🏻‍♀️ 🏃🏾‍♂️⏱