Forget about goals and focus on your identity

Forget about goals and focus on your identity 🥅
Many people begin the process of changing their habits by focusing on what they want to achieve. This leads us to outcome based habits.

The alternative is to build identity-based habits. With this approach, we start to focus on who we wish to become.
For example if I want to rise to my potential as an amateur athlete, then my main focus shouldn’t be about running X time for a half marathon, instead I should identify as a consistent and disciplined athlete who is fit, healthy, and strong.
Here’s the important part
Every decision and action I take is a vote for or against the athlete I am becoming. If I were to always say yes to that second slice of cake or to that late night social engagement, then I am voting against rising to my potential – I’ll always be performing with the handbrake on.
If my decisions are balanced and I have a holistic approach to my training and lifestyle, get enough sleep, rest, have a balanced diet, manage my stress levels, and respect my training plan, then I am more likely to become that person I aspire to be, and achieve my goals.
Three Layers of Behavioural Change
This level is concerned with changing your beliefs: your worldview, your self-image, your judgements about yourself and others.
Most of the beliefs, assumptions and biases you hold are associated with this level.
Changing your Process
This level is concerned with changing your habits and systems: implementing a new training routine, focusing on a balanced diet, decluttering your desk, developing a meditation practice. Most habits you build are associated with this level.
This level is concerned with changing your results: losing weight, becoming a better athlete, learning to say no, prioritising what is actually important and more. Most goals you set are associated with this level of change.

With outcome-based habits, the focus is on what you want to achieve.
With identity-based habits, the focus is on who you wish to become.
Inspired by Atomic Habits.
Mindset and Run Coach
Sha Hussain ❤️


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