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Connect with what really matters to you right now

We often start the year full of new ambitions for ourselves and as we reach half-way through the year, we sometimes forget what was and is important to us or we realised we aren’t exactly where we had hoped we would be. This workshop is an opportunity to reconnect with what is important for you right now, allowing the present moment to resonate with you and committing to an action to move you closer to what you want.

Who is this workshop for?

  • Anyone seeking a mindful moment and an opportunity to connect with what is important to them right now. 

What can you expect to learn? 

  • What you are feeling in this present moment 

  • What is important to you right now 

  • What you need to do to make this a reality

Who will be leading this session?

Victoire is an Executive and Life Coach, specialising in leadership development and personal confidence. She has worked in an array of industries ranging from construction through to hospitality and worked for FTSE 250 companies.

Since being a mum of two, she has realised the many roles women take on, the importance of balancing work and life demands as well as the need to pave the way for future generations. She launched Tomorrow’s Daughter earlier this year – a company dedicated to coaching women from all walks of life while actively seeking to positively impact on gender balance in the workplace. 

Joining Victoire is Katrina Scott, who’s a regular at Be More You sessions and a Midnight Runner crew captain, dedicated to bringing well-being support to her communities.

June 14

10 IronWomen Webinar - Gender Equality

June 28

Monday Night Zoom Check-In