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10 IronWomen Webinar - Gender Equality

10 Ironwomen started in October 2018, when ten friends signed up to Ironman Barcelona (2019). Some had never completed a triathlon before, and didn’t own a bike. Others had never swam in the sea and a few of them hadn’t run a marathon. But despite this, they wanted to send a message to other women that these events were achievable and they could do anything if they set their minds to it. Ironman events are not, as the name might suggest, just for men.

At the time of 10 Ironwomen’s race in 2019, only 13% of the entrants were female. Insight from other women through social media as to why this might be turned out to be ‘women didn’t feel there was a space for them.’

There are over 700,000 more inactive women than men in England and nearly 60% of girls aren’t meeting recommended exercise guidelines.*

We are delighted to announce that Charlotte Greenslade from 10 Ironwomen will be delivering this specially curated session for the running community.

Charlotte joined 10 Ironwomen in  2019 after doing some half Ironman’s and being inspired by the 10 Ironwomen OGs’ journey to a full Ironman. The 10 Ironwomen aim is to increase all female participation in sport and achieve a 50/50 gender participation split in an Ironman. Charlotte is a keen advocate for women and gender equality in sports, representation and breaking down the barriers for this. Without seeing “normal” women in the sport of triathlon she probably wouldn’t have started. Outside of 10 Ironwomen, Charlotte is finishing her medical degree and about to start as a junior doctor.

Session outline:

- Who are 10 Ironwomen? 

- female participation in endurance and Ironman events

- barriers to women in sport 

- experiences within our community 

- what can we all do to bridge the gap 

- how to get involved with 10 Ironwomen

*Source: Women in Sport website

Image: @simonrphoto

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