Vegan Runners, London

Today we are featuring the Vegan Runners, who are supporting our Equality for Mental Health campaign to mark World Mental Health Day in October.

We asked their regional representative in London Lina Ambruleviciute a few questions, so that we can get to know their community a bit more - see answers below:

1. How and when was your crew founded?

Vegan runners was founded by marathon runner Fiona Oakes in 2004

2. What does the word community mean to you?

Community for us means support, safe space, mutual understanding and encouragement

3. What achievement are you most proud of as a community?

We are very proud of the diversity and inclusion we have in the club. We have members from 12 to 90 years old, elite runners and those doing their “Couch to 5km”, we have a variety of backgrounds, nationalities, orientations and disabilities in the club and do our best to provide for all equally

4. Are there any barriers that your community faces socially?

People often have a perception that we will judge them if they are not vegan. But most of us are just happy and grateful that this vegan lifestyle works for us individually. There is a time and place for everything and we, as runners, have nothing but love and support for all other runners

5. Can you provide details around what Vegan Runners will be doing to support the Equality for Mental Health initiative?

Every Wednesday 8pm we meet outside National Theatre for 10km social run and on 12 October we will do a well-being check-in before and after the run and will encourage discussion in small groups about different aspects of mental health after the run

Interesting fact about VR's

We often have discussions about our mental health during our Wednesday 10km runs. I guess it’s because most of us come straight after work and long day and discussion about how we feel, how day was and how we are mentally feeling comes naturally these days.

What does your community stand for? If you'd like to be featured in the lead up to World Mental Health Day - reach out!


🔦The Corners Run Crew


091 Run CrW, Skopje, Macedonia